Sunday, August 4, 2013

Looking beautiful!!

Its a dream of every woman to look beautiful and have healthy and glowing skin. They buy lot of creams and apply them on their skin to make it fair and improve the glow.

Winter robs the skin of its moisture. Skin tends to get drained of its moisture content and becomes dry and itchy. Skin needs extra care during winter. Start using a moisturiser that suits your skin texture. Nutrious foods also contributes to the skin texture. Snack on fruits like avocado and papaya.

In very hot regions always opt for a cream with sun protection( SPF ABOVE 30). Applythe sun block cream on the moisturuser atleast 15-20 minutes before you step out. TheUV rays from the compute can also damage your skin. So its important to apply sun block creams even if you work in an air-conditioned room.

Skin is the most exposed part of the body. It is subjected to intrinsic as well as extrinsic ageing. Intrinsic aging is the natural ageing process, that is as we grow older, the sbaceous glands do not produce enough oil and hence wrinkles start developing. Extrinsic ageing is caused because of our lifestyle.

Biological ageing process cannot be stopped, however we could take measures to grow old gracefully.
Dark circles are yet another culprit that damages the glow in the face. Dark circles could be hereditary or due to medical conditions, smoking, long hours before the computer. Basically the stress on the eye region is represented in form of dark circles. Beauticians can assist you with customised program to get rid of the dark circles.

Intake of balanced diet is the key for soft and glowing skin. Do away with smoking and drinking if you need soft and glowing skn. Periodic cleansing routines is essentail to maintain the skin. Visit a beautiican to analyse yor skin type and provide you with essential treatments.

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