Sunday, March 16, 2014

Best Exercises for Better Cleavage

Breasts are composed of adipose tissue or fat. Thus, you cannot enhance the size of breasts or make them bigger, by itself. However, beneath the breasts, lies a complex network of pectoral muscles (pecs). These are referred to as muscles of chest. By exercising the pectorals, you can augment the overall volume of your bustline.
You need to combine various types of chest exercises. These exercises are useful for improving your overall posture and getting rid of underarm fat along with increasing your bust size and making your cleavage perkier.

Overhead Dumbbell/Military Press
Overhead Dumbbell/Military Press
  • Stand up straight or sit on a small stool or flat chair. Keep your shoulders slightly back.
  • You can use two, one liter water bottles as the free weights or dumbbells. Hold one weight, in each hand.
  • Let your arms slightly lose and raise the weights to your shoulder level. The stance should have your elbows below the wrist, at a right angle to your bust.
  • Now, take a deep breath. Hold your breath and raise the weights above your head. Bring them back to the shoulder level and exhale slowly.

Front Dumbbell Raise
Front Dumbbell Raise
  • Stand absolutely straight with your hands on your thighs.
  • Hold the 1 kg free weights in each hand.
  • Your palms should be facing your body.
  • Now, raise the right hand, until it reaches the level of your shoulder. Slowly, bring it back. Do the same with the left hand.
Lateral Fly/Raises
Lateral Fly/Raises

  • The starting position is the same as you will be using in the front dumbbell raises. However, the hands need to be positioned at your sides, i.e. parallel to each other, facing your hip, on either side.
  • Ensure your legs are as wide as the shoulder width to ensure easy movement. Like a bird extends her wings, raise your arms to the side, up to the shoulder level.
  • Bring down the arms to the starting position. You have now completed one repetition.

Push-ups are the ideal way to firm-up your pectorals and add volume to the bustline.
Wide-hand push-ups: Try to do more of the wide-hand Push-ups. Here, the stress induced by the body movement is spread across the pectorals. Close grip means you are concentrating the effort on your arms.
Modified push-up: If the conventional push-up is hard for you, you can try the modified push-up. Here, your feet, up to the knee level are placed on the floor. By raising your body on your arms and knee caps, you reduce the effort needed to complete the movement.

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